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 Dawn of the Third Day

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Hikaru Oseki
Eiki Anahiki
Ryoku Seiken
Hikaru Masashi
8 participants
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Hikaru Masashi

Hikaru Masashi

Messages : 3279
Date d'inscription : 07/10/2012

Dawn of the Third Day - Page 6 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Dawn of the Third Day   Dawn of the Third Day - Page 6 EmptyDim 6 Nov - 13:54

Aaah believe me, it was probably as bad as the state I was in too !

*Masashi se sentait frémir alors que Ryoku s'Approchait et lui faisait cette plainte demandante complètement irrésistible. DEviat-il l'embrasser? Résiter ? Était-ce un test ou un piège? Masashi sentait son corps battre a tout rompre et sa tête qui répondait a la main de son amoureux. Il passa distraitement sa langue sur ses lèvres, respirant fortemnet contre Ryoku alors que sa main remontait vers l'intérieur de ses cuisses dangereusement, se soutirant une voix bien plus sensuelle voir même sexuelle tellement cette tension le gagnait.*

~ I couldn't speak either... my body was burning for you and really had to fight not to pin you again and kiss you abruptly. I wanted to taste every inch of you...feel every inch of your skin against mine... Did I.. did you feel my lips? ... Had you felt my reaction against you?

Why had I thought that seeing you would calm this desire to take you? I had wanted to release myself before seeing you, then I had thought it would be much too awkward to come see you right after this, right? But then...when this happened... I was so hot and needy I thought I would just finish myself up in front of you. I bit my lips. My voice felt all weird, I couldn't speak to you liek this, could I? And your voice...gosh your voice... it was almost as if you were whispering it into my ear. More words and I could've come right there.

~Your voice... I had to bit my lips pretty hard... not to moan when I heard you...
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Ryoku Seiken

Ryoku Seiken

Messages : 3057
Date d'inscription : 07/10/2012

Dawn of the Third Day - Page 6 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Dawn of the Third Day   Dawn of the Third Day - Page 6 EmptyDim 6 Nov - 14:07

~ Aaah... I did feel your lips... and your body, hard against mine.. but I thought.. I was just imaginating things... That I wanted it that way...

" Masashi!... please.. please don't leave me ! " I was burning hot, my body craved release and all I could think was to beg you to stay with me, and risk to disgust you forever. I ran up to you, and grabbed your arm. I almost slammed into you, almost missing my aim. You would've felt everything, wouldn't you? And I knew you weren't into men so I needed to be careful... How not to show you how much you had turned me on... But as I grabbed your arm, all I wanted to do is bring your hand down my pants...

* Cette tension était vraiment trop pour lui. Il émit une plainte extrêmement demandante et ne put résister à s'approprier davantage de son copain. Il passa finalement sa jambe par-dessus lui, chevauchant ses cuisses, reliant ainsi a travers leurs boxers, leurs corps en demande. Ainsi à deux mains il pouvant entourer passionnément les épaules de son amoureux, ses doigts parmi ses cheveux, ses paumes contre sses joues, le caressant avec toute l'envie qui montait en lui et le désir de poser ses lèvres sur les siennes, sans pourtant oser le faire. Il continua à ne pas céder à la tentation mais maintenant ils étaient près de partout, partout sauf leurs lèvres. Sa respiration était encore plus rapide. *

~ ..and you... had you felt mine?
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Hikaru Masashi

Hikaru Masashi

Messages : 3279
Date d'inscription : 07/10/2012

Dawn of the Third Day - Page 6 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Dawn of the Third Day   Dawn of the Third Day - Page 6 EmptyDim 6 Nov - 14:22

~ aah ... you tease...

How can you come on top of me like this, our bodies so warm against one another, and still want to play this torture mm?

*Masashi avait émi un gémissement trahissant le soulagement de sentir une pression contre cette partie brûlante de son corps. Il entoura Ryoku de ses mains sur son bassin, instinctivement prêt à les installer et le prendre dans une telle position. Son bassin s'arqau au contact de celui de Ryoku, sa respiration se faisant plus qu'haletante alors qu'il faisait de son mieux pour ne pas succomber àa la tentation lui non plus. C'était une sorte de défi entre eux, après tout. La sensation était si délicieuse, ce n'était qu'une question de temps. Mais leur corps, présentement, étaient une étape plus loin que dans leurs souvenirs...*

~ I felt you..I felt... your intimacy. But I.. hadn't had time to feel you reaction.

You grabbed my arm... called me, begged me to stay. ~Aah... I just wanted to feel you up and take you wildly... I wanted to do everything my body was highly demanding. I felt you running to me, beggin me to stay. How could I say no? How could I... leave? "... do you ... want to practice ... another scene?" How lame. How so mlame. But I thought... maybe it would control me. Maybe I could... breathe normally again. I didn't know. I didn't want to leave, but I didn't know if I could stay like this, next to you, close to you. I couldnt ... get this out of my mind at all. "Yeah, I wanted to practice the scene where Yuki and Shuichi have sex." ahh I bit my lips, I couldn't possibly want you to answer this, right? I couldn't possibly think of giving you this answer either. And what if I asked you about if you had ever... you know... wouldn't it be so obvious?? Instead, I apologised. "I'm sorry, I got a bit too caught up in that last scene ^^' next time we practice it, I'll be ready. I mean I'll be good. "

*SE rappeler de ces souvenirs, Masashi fit un petit coup de bassin contre Ryoku et se soutira un gémissement de plaisir qu'il tut en se mordant les làvres.*
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Ryoku Seiken

Ryoku Seiken

Messages : 3057
Date d'inscription : 07/10/2012

Dawn of the Third Day - Page 6 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Dawn of the Third Day   Dawn of the Third Day - Page 6 EmptyDim 6 Nov - 14:40

You talked.. yet I wasn'T really listening. How Could I control myself? I wanted to touch you, I wanted to get closer, I wanted to press my body on yours, I wanted to feel your warmth, your breath, all over me. PLease touch me, please let me touch you. How could we practice almost kissing week after week and hope it wouldn't get straight to my head? I was burning, I couldn't even think anymore. " You're always so perfectly good.. you're... really.. perfect, you know.. mmm.. it's hard for.. a guy like me to... to.. aah stand next to you..?" How could I say, that it was hard to let my body beg for yours? not to let my attraction for you jump on you ? I know I probably sounded much more sexual than I've wanted to, but I couldn't help myself.

~ I pulled you a bit and above your shoulder I whispered in your ear, feeling your hair brush my lips.. let's.. jump in the outside pool together..

There was no other way. I would've given in. I would've stroken your back with my demanding body, I would've made you fall and trip over you, anything, anything to touch you, anything to have a piece of you. You were so soft, you were even responsive to my pleas... you were driving me crazy.

* Ressentant son corps brûler encore plus que dans le passé, Ryoku émit un mouvement de hanches pour caresser son amoureux et gémit près de ses lèvres, se sentant extrêmement demandant. Comment avait-il pu résister à ce que Masashi le touche, le soulage, dans le passé? En ce moment il n'Avait rien de cette retenue. Il émit une forte plainte, devenant esclave des sensations de son corps et, resserrantd'une main la poigne contre le blond, il glissa sur le côté de sa tête, caressant son oreille du bout des lèvres, alors que de son autre main, il entreprit d'enlever son propre boxer, et ce très rapidement. *
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Hikaru Masashi

Hikaru Masashi

Messages : 3279
Date d'inscription : 07/10/2012

Dawn of the Third Day - Page 6 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Dawn of the Third Day   Dawn of the Third Day - Page 6 EmptyDim 6 Nov - 14:56

When you answered me... the way you spoke, the voice you used... how you were right behind me, whispering into my ear... my body hardened even more, so much it was hurting. My head leaned backwards, hoping to find you and lead your hand down my pants. You even used that word how "hard" it was for a guy like you. I was mere seconds and inches away from ripping all of our clothes apart when you seduced me even more. I grabbed your hand and ran with you towards the pool, jumping right in with you. It was the only way to cool down both of our demanding bodies, right? You... were feeling the same, right? "Aah... aah so cold... your complete opposite!" .. Did I not just admit to how hot you were? I was soaking wet, my t-shirt stuck on my skin and yours too, drawing your beautifully shaped torso. Why did I get closer again? I was supposed to stay away. "aah... you're really one impulsive guy, you know that? ... That's one of the many things I like about you".
I tried to laugh, I tried to not make it sound like I was flirting you, like I was in love with you, like I wanted to feel your warmth again.

*L'instant où Ryoku se souleva pour retirer son propre boxer, Masashi en profita pour ne faire de même. Il mourrait d'envie de ressentir son corps contre le sien, cette chaleur envahissante. Il avait parlé près de son oreille fortement similairement à ce souvenir et Masashi se plaisait bien à repenser à comment il avait imaginé cette soirée-làa se terminer, ou simplement la terminer ainsi, telle que ca aurait pu etre. Tel que dans leurs souvenirs alors que Masashi se ré-approchait de lui instinctivement, il posa une main sur le bassin de celui-ci. Ce soir-lè, ca avait un geste de trop et il avait enlevé sa main rapidement, gardant sa proximité. Aujourd'hui par contre, il s'y agrippa un peu plus. Il amena ses lèvres près du cou de Ryoku.*

~It was hard to get the good feeling... of wanting this kiss so badly... and everytime...not giving in. Wanting more and more of you...and never getting anything, really. I felt like... we were mmm aaahh

*Embrassant avec beaucoup trop d'intensité le cou de son amoureux, Masashi émit une forte plainte en bougeant son bassin contre celui de Ryoku. Ses mains placaient son bassin, et celui de son amoureux, préaprant cette entrée et caressant cette zone intime de ses doigts.*
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Ryoku Seiken

Ryoku Seiken

Messages : 3057
Date d'inscription : 07/10/2012

Dawn of the Third Day - Page 6 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Dawn of the Third Day   Dawn of the Third Day - Page 6 EmptyDim 6 Nov - 19:51

~ Aahhnn Masa... How could we resist for so long.. when now... now I just can't... at all..

* La très forte attirance qui avait émergé entre Masashi et Ryoku du passé était clairementtypique des amoureux qu'ils étaient devenus. Pa pur amour avaient-ils autant attendu. Sinon, un peu d'aujourd'hui, et ils se seraient jetés l'un sur l'autre, presque violemment. Il y avait dans ce désir, une partie tellement réciproque, que le plaisir de l'un était presque transmit complètement au corps de l'autre. Ryoku arqua le cou, recevant les baisers de son amoureux contre celui-ci avec un tel extase qu'on aurait dit qu'il était déjà parti dans l'action. En fait il était complètement sous l'effet des mains et des doigts de son amoureux, entreprenant déjà ce qu'il désirait tant. Il ne contrôla pas son bassin, qui immédiatement en demanda plus à Masashi, l'incitant à lui en donner davantage. Il l'agrippa avec une passion sans retenue, comme il aurait tellement aimé le faire dans le passé, n'ayant qu'en tête le magnifique corps de celui qu'il aimait, mouillé et sauvage, en tête. *

The shock of the cold water almost had me faint, for I had been burning so, you even noticed. As I emerged, you came to me, closer and closer, whispering me words that I dreamt to hear. You liked my impulsiveness, you liked that I would blurt out ideas like this, ne? Was it a challenge? Did you want to stimulate me into kissing you? Into jumping onto you? I looked at your perfect body as you came next to me. The moonlight reflected on the water, I could see your beautiful blue eyes... yet I didn't stare for long. My eyes went down on your body... I could see everything now, with your clothes against your skin, all wet. You were so gorgeously handsome, I thought I'd come just looking at you. I got closer too, and smiled, yet my hand reached for your hair and stroke it for an instant, to give them their wild look again. " You're just as impulsive as I am... We really do complete each other, ne ? " You were an endured playboy, and I a romantic sweetheart from the country, I was too innocent to dare more, but I dreamt and desired it with everyonce of my being, as I smiled to you, all of the love I felt rushing through me...
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Hikaru Masashi

Hikaru Masashi

Messages : 3279
Date d'inscription : 07/10/2012

Dawn of the Third Day - Page 6 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Dawn of the Third Day   Dawn of the Third Day - Page 6 EmptyDim 6 Nov - 20:04

*Lorsque Ryoku utilisait cette voix teintée des envies les plus fortes, Masashi ne parvenait pas à se contenir. Il répondit au corps de son amoureux avec plaisir et bougea contre lui afin de s'approcher, comme s'il pouvait le faire. Il voulait lui répondre, il voulait écouter ce qu'il demandait, mais déjà il était beuacoup trop impatient. Était-ce la faute de leurs ébats de plus tôt? De cett lecture? Masashi profitait amplement du corps de son amoureux.*

I saw you staring... the moonlight was onto us, wasn't it? Your hand slowly making its way to my hair. Your voice, so gorgeously seduced and seductive... when you said that we completed each other... I smiled. I stared at you with this genuine smile. Maybe for you it wasn't anything new, because you made me smile almost every time, but for me, this smile meant everything. This feeling inside of me. It wasn't just that I want to jump on you and take you wildly. I ... felt love. I was sincerely seduced, and I was about to kiss you, again. "We really do..." . I placed my hand on your hip, getting closer to you, slowly reaching towards your butt when sanity hit me. I got back and took your hand, to bring you out of the water with me, laughing like I didn't have a care in the world but still. "Our cellphones!" I was actually happy. I mean I probably screwed my cell, all my cards and moeny, but I hadn't completely screwed my relationship with you, ne? I was laughing, I hoped you'd laugh with me. I sat on the edge of the pool, feeling the chilly winds against my wet torso and tried to drag you out of the water too.

~ I need you...!

*La tentation était trop forte, et les souvenirs si frais de combien les deux l'Avaient désirés et avaient passés si près. Masashi embrassa le cou de Ryoku avec passion alors qu'avec sa main, il s'aida pour s'enligner et fit une entrée en douceur, se soutirant de forts gémissements contre la peau entre ses lèvres.*
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Ryoku Seiken

Ryoku Seiken

Messages : 3057
Date d'inscription : 07/10/2012

Dawn of the Third Day - Page 6 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Dawn of the Third Day   Dawn of the Third Day - Page 6 EmptyDim 6 Nov - 20:21

~ Aaaaahh Masa...!

* Cette entrée fortement attendue et désirée fut étrangement bien facile dans cette position. Ryoku s'aida de ses cuisses, et laissa Masashi s'enligner avec impatience. Il ne put retenir un fort gémissement, teinté de tout son désir, mais également de ce mélange de plaisir et de douleur que cela créait toujours. Il se rapprocha encore plus de Masashi, arquant le cou contre ses lèvres, et respirant rapidement contre lui, alors qu'il s'Était solidement agrippé à ses épaules, comme pour tenter de garder le contrôle. Il le tenait aussi fort que les sensations qui s'étalaient en lui, surtout lorsqu'il répondit à cette entrée avec une vague de bassin, plus impatiente que prévue, alors qu'il était complètement éperdue dans ses souvenirs et les sensations que cela procuraient. *

Aaahh yes... mmmnn.. it's... you were so beautiful.. your smile.. Masa.. your smile.. I wanted to grasp it, claim it mine forever, claim you mine, all mine. Oh how I wanted you all for me. It was a painful yet delicious feeling, just like when you get inside me like this... and the way you reached for me.. you even touched me... you looked for my cell in my backpocket, but there wasn't a cell... "I forgot it don't worry" ... So you just touched me... I blushed... but then you grabbed my hand and led me away... I stayed in the water a few seconds, looking at you, on the side... you were shining.. you were all I wanted... I couldve just opened your thighs, I was at the right height... so I stared for a second, then became overwhelmed, and got out with your help. It was so cold now that we were wet and heavy, I laughed with you, I was so entranced by you... I let myself drip on the sides, enjoying the moment, until the wind chilled us so strongly, that now my chest was the one hard... I couldn't help myself. I was so happy, so I leaned on your side, wanting to steal your warmth for a second.. and closed my eyes...

~ Mmm.. Mmmm.. ahh Masa... it's.. it's.. why... our true aahh.. our ~true first kiss... was in the water...
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Hikaru Masashi

Hikaru Masashi

Messages : 3279
Date d'inscription : 07/10/2012

Dawn of the Third Day - Page 6 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Dawn of the Third Day   Dawn of the Third Day - Page 6 EmptyDim 6 Nov - 20:35

*Alors qu'il tentait de s'installer adéquatement, Masashi sentait comment Ryoku répondait déja par des mouvemetns de bassin et se mordit les lèvres. Le cou de son amorueux ainsi exposé, il devait en porifter et descendit même quelques baisers contre son épaule et le haut de son torse. Les sensations étaient si fortes, comme si tout s'enchainait entre le passé et le présent. Masashi se mit à suivre le rythme de leur bassins, faisant tout ce qu'il pouvait pour se rapprocher de son amoureux au maximum.*

It... It had to be... I ... mmm I couldn't stop... aah thinking about it...

The instant you told me you didn'T have it, I realised I should've been finding yor cellphone, right? It wasn't there...but mine was! I just pushed it away in the grass and helped you out of the water. I ruined the atmosphere... I was a playboy, I was supposed to know how to do these things smoothly right? So why did I feel so clumsy around you? We laughed, then you leaned on me and instinctively put my arm around your shoulders, bringing you closer, attemtping to warm you up. "Here... from too warm to too cold! haha ^^' maybe you should head back and shower. I... thank you." Again. This feeling of wanting to hold you, to kiss you. I stared at you, smiled again. "Next week, we should go dancing together. To celebrate your #1 spot that you won with Billie Jean, ne?" ... maybe then, we would conclude... I dont know. Maybe it would be easier in my natural spots. Maybe I'd lose this clumsiness. I had to be a playboy, still. But... maybe it was different when it came to flirting men?
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Ryoku Seiken

Ryoku Seiken

Messages : 3057
Date d'inscription : 07/10/2012

Dawn of the Third Day - Page 6 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Dawn of the Third Day   Dawn of the Third Day - Page 6 EmptyDim 6 Nov - 20:53

I left you talking... what were you saying? All I could concentrate on, was that you took me up close, closer to your warm body. You surrounded me, you held me against you. We had our shirts but it was almost as if we were wearing nothing. I could feel the shape of your muscles, even the shivers of your skin. Mmm... I wanted to hold you forever. I wanted to stay against you no matter how cold it was getting... but then I realised what you were saying. I nearly jumped in your arms. "You know about Billie Jean?!! You know I came out first?!! Aaa Aahhn arigato! Masashi.. I... Im.. so so happy!" ...You knew, you cared, you checked, I don't know what you did, how you did it, but you found it out, or maybe you guessed, but the overwhelming excitation that uptook me, the rush of love that made my heart beat extremely hard was uncontrollable. At that instant, you have me so overly seduced, I could resist expressing my happiness. I almost kissed you. I nearly did. I looked up to you, my eyes into yours, and as I lifted my head, there were your lips again, so close, so beautifully ready for mine. I even had the impulse. I stopped myself... a few centimeters from you...

~ Aaahh... kiss me....

* Les souvenirs étaient un véritable turn-on. Juste y penser et toutes les sensations qui dominait le corps de Ryoku devenaient de meilleures en meilleures. Il prit légèrement contrôle du rythme, s'abandonnant à leur plaisir en perdant la tête, haletant de plus en plus fort contre son amoureux. Il ressentait le même plaisir que dans le temps, le même bonheur, et c'Était la meilleure façon d'Exprimer tout son bonheur à Masashi. D'une poigne envoutée, il posa sa main sur sa joue et l'attira dans un ardent baiser passionné, gémissant dans elui-ci, incapable de se retenir. *
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Hikaru Masashi

Hikaru Masashi

Messages : 3279
Date d'inscription : 07/10/2012

Dawn of the Third Day - Page 6 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Dawn of the Third Day   Dawn of the Third Day - Page 6 EmptyLun 7 Nov - 21:30

*Écoutant à la fois son désir, son amoureux et les souvenirs qui s'emparaient d'eux, Masashi savait que pour lui comme pour Ryoku, c'était le même souvenir. Deux perspectives, mais ils avaient certainement vécu la même tension, le même désir de s'embrasser et une certaine barrière à le faire. Cette fois, Masashi la franchit et scella ses lèvres contre celles de son amoureux dans un baiser des plus passionnés. Émettant un gémissemnet de plaisir et de soulagement alors que finalement leurs lèvres se rencontraient, Masashi accéléra le rythme.*

Was I saying something? ...Suddenly you answered, but I had been completely unaware of time and space, only mesmerized more and more by teh depths of your eyes and the shape of your lips. You answered...yet came closer still. Were you about to kiss me? You? I.. had to be the one to do it, no? "...Ryo... " I wanted to say something, or not, maybe not at all. I bit my lower lip and turned away slightly. Was my voice shy? "I'm really proud of you." I wanted it to be our first kiss and yet... it wouldn't work out with the "date" I had planned no? I was nervous. So nervous... because that evening, in my heart, I felt it. I felt this strange feeling of love, and became afraid that I was really, finally, falling in love... but with a guy. I didn't stand up, I just... couldn't look at you anymore. I was definitely shy.

~ Mmmm
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Ryoku Seiken

Ryoku Seiken

Messages : 3057
Date d'inscription : 07/10/2012

Dawn of the Third Day - Page 6 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Dawn of the Third Day   Dawn of the Third Day - Page 6 EmptyLun 7 Nov - 21:45

* Approfondissant le baiser instantanément, Ryoku gémit fortement à travers celui-ci, enlaçant passionnément les épaules de Masashi, l'Attirant comp`letement à lui, se donnant entièrement à ses lèvres, et y transmettant toute l'intensité du plaisir qui émergeait en lui. C'était tellement désiré que rapidement les sensations qui fusaient dans son coeur devinrent de plus en plus fortes, et ses hanches s'accomodèrent à un rythme plus rapide encore, bien relié à celui de Masashi, parfaitement en synchronisme, cherchant toujours plus et meilleur. C'Était à la fois toute l'attirance qu'il avait pour Masashi qui dictait ses mouvements, et à la fois tout son amour, qui dominait entièrement ses gestes, son corps et son esprit. *

...What had I been doing..? So close to you, so happy, ready to show it to you in the most intimate way, in a kiss. But who was I fooling? You were straight, you were a playboy... of course you'd pull away from me. These impulses, these desires, they were mine to bear alone... Masa, I couldn't let them come between you and I... I'd rather.. rather remain silently in love with you forever, than risking of loosing you. You weren't mine yet... but you were what was most dear and precious to me. I got up and looked up at the moon an instant, before looking at you again. If there were falling stars, I would have wished for us to remain together, forever. "Arigato... Im really looking forward to friday... our last friday before the general ne?" I held down my hand to you. We were soaking wet, it was late, it was a foolish dream of love of mine, but I couldn't help it, I was crazy about you, you were all that mattered.
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Hikaru Masashi

Hikaru Masashi

Messages : 3279
Date d'inscription : 07/10/2012

Dawn of the Third Day - Page 6 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Dawn of the Third Day   Dawn of the Third Day - Page 6 EmptyLun 7 Nov - 22:01

I saw your hand, and how you were shining in the moonlight. Oddly enough, I heard Gravitation's music in my head as I took your hand, with a smile on my lips. I got up and kept your hand, gently pressing my lips on top of it, before looking up to you and releasing your hand softly. "I'm looking forward to it too, dreamer boy ^~ " I winked at you, trying to keep my cool and playboy act together. I needed to show you that I was in control, when I really wasn't. I needed to make sure...taht you'd still be falling for me when I'd be ready to accept it myself.

*Leurs baisers devenant aussi intenses que leur cadence, Masashi ne réfléchissait aucunement au rythme que leur bassin dictaient. C'était purement instinctif et leurs corps se répondaient à la perfection. Il sentait le bassin de Ryoku qui le suivait, s'inclinant tous les deux pour atteindre le meilleur angle et se soutirer mutuellement des sensations encore plus fortes. L'excitation était à son plus haut alors leur plaisir montait à une vitesse fulgurante et Masashi s'agrippa de plus en plus fortement au bassin de son amoureux.Incapable de garder l'intensité sans l'exprimer, il s'arracha des lèvres de son amoureux pour gémir fortement près de son oreille, prêt à succomber aux délices charnels à n'importe quel instant.*

~...Ryo! ...hmmmm ... I... love you~
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Ryoku Seiken

Ryoku Seiken

Messages : 3057
Date d'inscription : 07/10/2012

Dawn of the Third Day - Page 6 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Dawn of the Third Day   Dawn of the Third Day - Page 6 EmptyLun 7 Nov - 22:17

You kissed my hand, I blinked twice.. why did you ..? I blushed... What was the meaning of such gesture? I couldn't guess but my heart beated very fast at that very instant.

~ Masa.. aaahh... Mmm... Hmmm~

* Entendant la voix de son amoureux craquer à son oreille, fut une stimulation des plus intenses chez Ryoku qui gémit intensément, fortement, à travers des lèvres qui souriaient délicatement, arquant le cou vers l'arrière dans un élan d'extase intense. Il prononca plusieurs fois le surnom de son blond adoré, encore et encore, alors qu'il laissa son baissin quêter des vagues de plaisir plus fortes que les autres. Il agit par pu instant, fortement, rapidement, leur en demandant encore plus et frémit devant l'intensité du sommet qui se prit de lui. Il agrippa désespéréement les épaules de Masashi, mais comme il l'Avait tenu longuement, leurs peaux étaient humides et douces. Peut-être celui-ci ressentirait-il légèrement ses ongles contre son dos, alors qu'il tentait de contrôler toutes les sensations qui le prenait d'assault. *

~ I Love you.. Love you~.. Ahhhh... aaaahmm~

Please... please... don't ever stop.. loving me.
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Hikaru Masashi

Hikaru Masashi

Messages : 3279
Date d'inscription : 07/10/2012

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MessageSujet: Re: Dawn of the Third Day   Dawn of the Third Day - Page 6 EmptyLun 7 Nov - 22:25

*Leur soirée se terminait ainsi alors que Masashi partait en laissant cet air mystérieux et cette incapacité à conclure. En même temps que leurs souvenirs tiraient à leur fin, leurs ébats atteignaient de magnifiques sommets et Masashi joignit Ryoku aussi haut et longtemps que ce plaisir durait. Il sentit les ongles de son amoureux contre son dos et frémit à la sensation, souriant devnat cette douleur plaisante. Il donna encore des coups de bassin aussi longtemps et rapidement qu'il le pouvait, répondant aux besoins de leurs corps et des sons divins de son amoureux. Atteignant son apogée quelques instants avant Ryoku, Masashi pencha la tête sur l'épaule et le torse de Ryoku alors qu'il ne cachait rien des sons de son plaisir. *

Don't... please.. dont leave me alone... I need you... I love you... I don't want to live without you, Ryo...

*Se calmant malgré lui, ordre dicté par son corps, Masashi respirait a une vitesse fulgurante alors qu'il essayait de reprnedre ses esprits. Il sentiat encore toute la chaleur de son amoureux et la force de leurs sommets.*

~ Mmmm Ryo.... aah you're so perfect~ !
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Ryoku Seiken

Ryoku Seiken

Messages : 3057
Date d'inscription : 07/10/2012

Dawn of the Third Day - Page 6 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Dawn of the Third Day   Dawn of the Third Day - Page 6 EmptyMar 8 Nov - 20:19

* Cette nuit là, laisser une traînée de vêtements mouillés dans la chambre pour aller prendre une douche chaude, avait été la tâche la plus difficile pour RYoku. Comment ensuite s'endormir en pensant autant à Masashi? IL avait été coupable de s'adonner à des plaisirs à sa pensée mais n'aurait jamais pu y résister. Il n'avait pas cru avoir une chance un jour. S'il s'Était vu maintenant? Laissant sa voix faire résonner tout son amour dans la chambre, calmant tranquillement son corps dans un état d'extase intense après être fortement venu contre lui, et ce sans retenue. Il libéra leurs bassins après les derniers vagues de plaisir pour ensuite se lancer au cou de Masashi et l'entourer presque sauvagement, le serrant amoureusement et possessivement contre lui, couvrant sa peau de baisers essouflés. *

~ Aaahh.. Ahhh no.. Y-You're the perfect one... Masa.. Masa I love you so much...

Mmmm.... that was so good... you were so close to me.. as if we could read each other's mind... I felt all of your love.. it was perfect oh Masa it really was...

~ With all... our memories... it was so hot..
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Hikaru Masashi

Hikaru Masashi

Messages : 3279
Date d'inscription : 07/10/2012

Dawn of the Third Day - Page 6 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Dawn of the Third Day   Dawn of the Third Day - Page 6 EmptyMar 8 Nov - 20:26

*Doucement leurs bassins se libéraient l'un de l'autre et Masashi sentit les bras de Ryoku autour de lui. Il l'entoura a son tour au niveau de sa taille, se serrant contre lui alors que celui-ci lui partageait tout son amour. Il se rappelait être rentré chez lui bien difficilement, ce soir-là. Il s'était tortillé maintes et maintes fois dans son lit, incapable de s'endormir avant d'assouvir son corps de pensées de cet homme qui envahissait tout son esprit. S'entendre aujourd'hui s'abandonner à des plaisirs charnels avec lui le fit sourire.*

~Mmm it really was...

You felt it, ne? As much as me... how intense that night was, how... revealing it was. I think that night, I consciously felt that I was in love with you for the first time. And you... probably finally realised that I might have a thing for you, ne?

Ryo... you and me... we really... we've connected since the beginning.

Nothing will ever tear us apart. Ever. I mean look at us! We went through hell and back and still we can make love like this together! Isn't this the most beautiful thing?

*REspirant fortemnet contre Ryoku, Masashi était rempli d'une bonne humeur immense et ne cessait de sourire. A travers les épreuves, ils ressortaient plus forts. Masashi avait toute la confiance du monde que Ryoku et lui pouvaient affrotner tous les obstacles du monde et rester autant amoureux.*
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Ryoku Seiken

Ryoku Seiken

Messages : 3057
Date d'inscription : 07/10/2012

Dawn of the Third Day - Page 6 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Dawn of the Third Day   Dawn of the Third Day - Page 6 EmptyMar 8 Nov - 21:58

Oh we did... but it became so much stronger... and everytime we make love like this.... Aren't we strenghtening our connexion? Oh Masa... ! I feel like I could do anything! It truly is magical =^^=

* Ryoku enlaça tendrement Masashi, le caressant de ses joues, de ses baisers, tout en s'enlevant d'à cheval sur lui. Il en fut légèrement maladroit, et lorsqu'étendu à ses côtés, il déplia les jambes et émit une petite plainte alors qu'il resserrait son étreinte contre Masashi. C'était un peu gênant, spécialement lorsqu'il allait devoir aller performer sur scène! Mais en trois jours de convention, disons qu'ils n'avaient trop négligé leur envie de faire l'amour! *

...Aaah ^^' But maybe.. maybe we should give my insides a rest for a while... as amazing as it feels, we may have exagerrated... just a tiny bit =^_^=

See, Vicious? The break Masa and I had only made us stronger. Now nothing can stand in our way, or between us. Just as I've given my boyfriend all of my love and an amazing dose of exctasy, I know your tactics are jut pityful. Today, I'll show. Today... I won't be afraid.

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Hikaru Masashi

Hikaru Masashi

Messages : 3279
Date d'inscription : 07/10/2012

Dawn of the Third Day - Page 6 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Dawn of the Third Day   Dawn of the Third Day - Page 6 EmptyMar 8 Nov - 22:07

*Masashi sourit en entendant Ryoku parler d'a quel point ils étaient magnifiquement parfaits ensemble. Il profita de cette tendresse et lorsque son amorueux se mit à bouger, il en ressentit la douleur pour lui ausis. L'aidant a changer de position, Masashi se sentit un peu mal pour lui et l'entoura de par le côté, déposant un baiser contre sa joue.*

I'm sorry my love... I really did think what we did this morning would be enough and you know... serve as a good break too. But you were just so irresistible! =^-^= ! I promise we'll be careful ne? I'll give you this kind of rest at least.

My goal is really not to hurt you physically, or make you bleed or something! So let's take it easy, I mean there are plenty of things we can do. Plenty! Ahhh Ryo aren't we unstoppable? I think we connect so much... but maybe it's true, we exagerated this weekend. Although..I think we needed it. Especially you... for our connection, for you to feel it..and trust me. Now, now we're setteld and stronger than ever!

Are you okay? Did I ... was it... too much?

*Un peu inquiet, Masashi caressa le dos de son amoureux et se rapprocha de lui, mais lui laissant la place pour être dans une position confortable. Au moins, aujourd'hui, théoriquement leur journée était tellement remplie qu'ils n'aurianet pas le temps de vivre un bref moment d'intimité. MAsashi sourit doucement, pensant à la pièce, à la maniere dont ils s'unissaient.*
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Ryoku Seiken

Ryoku Seiken

Messages : 3057
Date d'inscription : 07/10/2012

Dawn of the Third Day - Page 6 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Dawn of the Third Day   Dawn of the Third Day - Page 6 EmptyMar 8 Nov - 22:22

=^^= Oh no ! it was perfect I swear ! It didn't hurt at all! Well no.. just a bit.. but it was exactly as I wanted and needed it Masa... It's just.. I wouldn't want us to live a moment of great emotion and have it hurt.. you know?

When Im afraid... when they pull off stunts on your like this... when I wanna feel fully yours, I need you inside me like this, and coming, and loving it. I need to feel it. If when we do it.. I don't want to be a deception, or not at my best because of pain... so before it happens.. because Im feeling sore.. Ill be extra careful. There aren't many ways I feel more yours and your love than this way. It just chases all my worries away, and I feel extra special to your eyes. It really means a lot to me.. so much...

* Ryoku se serra contre Masashi et ferma les yeux, relâchant ses différents muscles et prenant son repos. Il avait toujours peur de ne pas être à la hauteur, de ne pas en faire assez, mais cette fois ils avaient réellement fait l'amour sans cesse pendant trois jours. Il n'y avait aucune possibilité que Masashi soit en manque. Au contraire, maintenant, plus rien ne pourrait le distraire de son Ryoku, n'est-ce pas?*

I really loved making love on our memories. It was.. exquisitely delightful =^^= ! It is something that only us can do together. Im pretty sure we loved each other back then almost as powerfully, but if we could've shown our old selves "here's where we are now, a year after" .. it'd be more like a dream come true..
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Hikaru Masashi

Hikaru Masashi

Messages : 3279
Date d'inscription : 07/10/2012

Dawn of the Third Day - Page 6 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Dawn of the Third Day   Dawn of the Third Day - Page 6 EmptyMar 8 Nov - 22:32

Aaah that's so very true ^-^!! I'm so happy and glad that we shared the same feelings all along !

*Masashi serra son amoureux encore plus tendrement, incapable de se séparer de lui. Il frotta doucement sa tête contre lui et se laissa emporter par les souvenirs, les sensations et le feeling de complétion qui l'envahissait. Sa voix s'adoucit un peu.*

Hey Ryo? ... thank you for allowing me to read this. It really means a lot to me... and I want you to know... that while I love making love this way and I agree it's very unique and all... I dont want to hurt you deeply or you know, for long term. So I'm glad you told me, and it's true, about slowing down with this for a while. I love every way we make love, as long as it's us, as it's you, I can feel our connection just as much!

...I'm pretty sure you're worried about your performance and all, but you shouldn't worry. You really are the best and Ryo, I've had many and I know. I know...that love and lust taste differently. Love is really on a whole other level... I have no reason to look elsewhere.I dont wnat to, either. I want you and only you, and ... I'm still sorry about that night. I'm sorry it took me so long to understand and to accept my feelings.

*Caressant le visage de Ryoku d'une main, Masashi lui offrit un sourire rempli d'amour avant de déposer ses lèvres doucement sur les siennes dans un court baiser. Il retouran se blottir contre Ryoku par la suite, content d'Avoir pu passer son message avant que celui-ci ne s'inquiete trop.*
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Ryoku Seiken

Ryoku Seiken

Messages : 3057
Date d'inscription : 07/10/2012

Dawn of the Third Day - Page 6 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Dawn of the Third Day   Dawn of the Third Day - Page 6 EmptyJeu 10 Nov - 21:20

Arigato my love! I appreciate, you taking care of me, of us =^^= and it means a lot to me too that you've taken the time to read my text !

* Ryoku était soulagé par les tendres paroles de son amoureux. Il se sentait comme un vrai fou, mais il le croyait, et solidement en plus. Il voyait la sincérité en lui, et n'avait ajamis vraiment douté de son amour pour leurs pratiques physiques, et ce, peu importe lesquelles. D'ailleurs, il le faisait toujours sentir si bien et unique par la suite. C'Était toute la magie que cela apportait. Et c'était pourquoi l'idée qu'il veule en faire avec d'autres le rendait complètement cinglé. C'était pourquoi il devait protéger Masashi de tous ces vicious prédateurs et de leurs plans diaboliques. Et il fallait commencer par l'amener au septième ciel pour la journée, de sorte qu'il n'y aurait aucune raison pour lui d'avoir un manque quelque part. RYoku se redressa légèrement sur ses mains et après avoir serré Masashi fortement, il se décolla un peu pour plonger son regard dans le sien. *

Aahhh We might be running late... I don't know. There's... one page left. It's not revealing anything at this point so I guess we should shower and dress up ne?

I'd lie if I was to say, that when you take me, I don't feel closer to you. It's totally true, it's always been that way. I've always seen and felt it as the way to connect as deeply as we could ever do. Every act of passion we do brings us together in an amazing masterpiece, but some matter to me even more, for our bond I mean. That's why Im always up and ready... I try to never weaken, never be fragile... but Im even more afraid that not saying it will end up with more consequences. But you've told me so bravely what Tama did... I had to be brave too.
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Hikaru Masashi

Hikaru Masashi

Messages : 3279
Date d'inscription : 07/10/2012

Dawn of the Third Day - Page 6 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Dawn of the Third Day   Dawn of the Third Day - Page 6 EmptyJeu 10 Nov - 21:33

Mmmm .... ok ok ...

*Masashi accepta que Ryoku s'éloignait, et qu'il mentionnait que ceux-ci étaient surement en retard. C'était surement vrai, car ils étaient serrés dans le temps avant de faire l'amour et lire ceci. Masashi sourit, secouant un peu la tête avant d'offrir un sourire charmé à son amoureux.*

But I really want to read this page okay? So...will you allow me to read it after the show, then?

I really hadn't thought this would turn out this way. I was so nervous to tell you... yet somehow, it feels like we connected even more. Maybe... no, it is true. We truly are indescructible! Watch out, everyone and especially those Vicious, because the DreamCatchers are totally going to catch you offguard. We're hot and we're not stopping at nothing to be victorious. Except, unlike you, we don'T need to bring others down to show how superior we are.

*Prenant appui sur le matelas sous lui, Masashi se releva doucement et restait tout près de Ryoku. Telles leurs habitudes, il ne voulait pas être trop loin. Il y avait une certaine aura d'appartenance, de possessivité, d'amour si fort qui les unissait que Masashi était souvent plus lovey-dovey après de telles pratiques. Il s'étira un peu.*

I really want to do this for you too, Ryo... I really feel like you've opened yourself to me in so many ways. I want to be as open with you too, I want to feel this trust and depth.
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Ryoku Seiken

Ryoku Seiken

Messages : 3057
Date d'inscription : 07/10/2012

Dawn of the Third Day - Page 6 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Dawn of the Third Day   Dawn of the Third Day - Page 6 EmptyJeu 10 Nov - 21:40

* Avec des corps endoloris mais une envie extrême de rester l'un près de l'autre, Masashi et Ryoku s'Étaient relevés, mais à peine debout devant son amoureux, RYoko le serra immédiatement dans ses bras, caressant son beau corps de partout. Il émit un petit son, n'ayant vriament aucune envie de se séparer de lui. *

..Masa..? I know we're running late... but if you'd like to finish it.. can you finish it now? I mean.. I stopped writing before going to kiss you for the first time... so.. it would only be natural to finish reading it before going to have another "first" kiss again ne??

We're late, but probably not that much ne? Besides this is iportant to me. I guess it became even more important seeing how excited you were... it made my heart beat so fast, made me so happy Masa, that you cared! You have no idea! No idea! And now, here I am, worrying about the fact that you might be deceived of what you read...

* Ryoku se releva sur la pointe des pieds et embrassa son amoureux puis lui fit un petit air supplicateur, alors qu'il se convainquait qu'ils avaient le temps. *
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Hikaru Masashi

Hikaru Masashi

Messages : 3279
Date d'inscription : 07/10/2012

Dawn of the Third Day - Page 6 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Dawn of the Third Day   Dawn of the Third Day - Page 6 EmptyJeu 10 Nov - 21:51

*Masashi déposa un autre baiser sur les lèvres de Ryoku avant de les laisser tracer un sourire des plus évidents. Il était calme et serein, et surtout, aucunement pressé.*

Of course! I would really love to ^^ ! I...had actually thought that you thought we should stop, becuase I didn'T ^^''

You know, I couldn'T care less about anyything or anyone else but you. Us. You and me together and happy, and ejoying life together. I want to read it... I never claimed I wanted to stop. So please... allow me. We both want the same thing.

*S'emparant de son amoureux, Masashi voulut les ramener en position confortable...surement plus semi couché qu'assis, vu leurs dernières pratiques. Lire ceci lui permettait de voir tout sous une nouvelle perspective, mais aussi de revivre les événements et leurs impacts, leurs significations. Beaucoup de choses devenaient plus claires pour Masashi et il se demanda où allait se situer cette dernière page, temporellement. Théoriquement il n'y avait pas des tonnes de moments, mais ca pouvait être quelques uns alors il s'impatientait de lire la suite et la derniere page disponible.*
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