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Ryoku Seiken

Ryoku Seiken

Messages : 3057
Date d'inscription : 07/10/2012

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MessageSujet: Re: Retour dans le passé   Retour dans le passé - Page 10 EmptyDim 10 Avr - 1:37

Aww ^_^ You're so cute, my love ! I don't really know if she still loves me this way, but she surely does in her own way. But you know, now that you mention it..

* Ryoku marcha avec Masashi jusqu'<a leur chambre, et une fois rendus là bas, il craint un peu de se faire avoir avec la porte comme le matin avec Tamafune, et s'arrêta plutôt juste à côté, et s'adossa au mur, attirant Masashi à lui en posant ses mains sur sa taille. Il ramena ensuire une main sur son torse et se mit à jouer avec les boutons de sa chemise. Il ne cacha pas un petit sourire mi-charmé mi-taquin. *

One of the things that made you fall in love with me... When did you realise it, really? You know.. you only told me you loved me one week after we had kissed... even though you probably had figured out a long while ago how much I was crazy about you ne?

Is it because you're all mine now that I feel so much more powerful? You tell me im sexy and I blush and believe you truly mean it... Has it allowed me to trust you again? Maybe that's what's off my chest, why I feel so light and free. Masa... if you only knew how much all this means to me, how much I love you madly.. Maybe it's better you don't know the extend of it, that'd probably scare you off, ne?
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Hikaru Masashi

Hikaru Masashi

Messages : 3279
Date d'inscription : 07/10/2012

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MessageSujet: Re: Retour dans le passé   Retour dans le passé - Page 10 EmptyDim 10 Avr - 1:54

Mmm are you still that much into it, Ryo? Or ... it's getting to your head, ne? I mean, taking someone as your own... there's something so powerful associated to it, ne? I'd never tell you, I'd never let you beliee you can have this over me, but I know exactly what you feel. But for today... you can. I'll let you enjoy it. It was kinda the point anyway, ne? ^^'

*Masashi s'était laissé tirer ainsi contre Ryoku. Malgré la situation, il ne se sentait pas plus pressé de se présenter à la greenroom et ensuite surle stage. Il savait que leur public les attendrait. DE toute facon, ils s'avaient l'un et l'autre et c'était tout ce uqi comptait. Il sourit et déposa quelques baisers contre le cou de Ryoku alors qu'il commençait à lui répondre.*

Well... the first time I really saw you, that picnic day... when I bribed you into taking my class... I really don't know what took me, then. ... Many times... I wondered... why I was so attracted to you... visits went by... I wanted to touch you... I wanted to kiss you... I wanted your hands on my body... I wanted your lips on my skin...

*Plus il parlait et plus ses baisers tracaient un chemin le long de son cou, remontant vers son oreille. Masashi captura son lobe d'oreille entre ses lèvres en émettant un petit son et murmura encore plus ses réposnes suivantes.*

...I couldn't stop... thinking of you... of your cute smile... of your sexy body... and how I could see you again... how I could impress you even more... how I could get you to be even crazier about me.... and then I ... realised I ... couldn't stop writing your name everywhere... I couldn't think of anything... except you...
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Ryoku Seiken

Ryoku Seiken

Messages : 3057
Date d'inscription : 07/10/2012

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MessageSujet: Re: Retour dans le passé   Retour dans le passé - Page 10 EmptyDim 10 Avr - 2:07

~ Aaahh.. did.. did you really...? Mmmmh..

When you kiss me like that... when you touch me this way, how am I supposed to hold back? How am I supposed not to let myself burst in all of my feelings for you, when the you adore so, makes you feel in such delicious heaven...?

* Ryoku ferma les yeux et poussa un petit son de plaisir, arquant le cou pour recevoir les baisers de son amoureux. Étaient-ils réellement capable de parler sans se toucher ainsi? Était-ce vraiment leur seul et unique moyen de communiquer? Il allait se laisser encore aller aux sensations que Masashi lui procurant, murmurant ces paroles à son oreilles, lui envoyant ainsi mille frissons, quand il entendit un peu de bruits et dû à nouveau se redresser de ses envies pour baisser les yeux vers Miaka que Masashi ne tenait plus pour venir le toucher. Il leva les yeux pour la voir qui marchait dans le corridor, vers les chambres puis loin. Il se sortit à contre-coeur de sa rêverie et partit à courir derrière Miaka et l'attrapa de justesse alors qu'elle arrivait près de deux cosplayers qui sortaient de leur chambre. Il la prit dans ses bras et la ramena vers Masashi. Il soupira pour lui-même. Ils étaient de terrible pères. Elle si discrète, alors ils l'oubliaent et se laissaient aller. Elle devait être à l'heure de sa sieste, en plus. Ryoku fit signe à Masashi d'ouvrir la porte, il était rouge, et se trouvait plutôt audacieux! *

C'est l'heure du dodo de l'après-midi ne? C'est ennuyant quand Papa et Ryo vont autant de bisous de toute facon, ne?

Ahh Masa... When she'll be asleep. I'll answer your question. About that first time we saw each other... after your sweet confession.. I really owe you that answer!
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Hikaru Masashi

Hikaru Masashi

Messages : 3279
Date d'inscription : 07/10/2012

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MessageSujet: Re: Retour dans le passé   Retour dans le passé - Page 10 EmptyDim 10 Avr - 19:37

*Ca ne prenait qu'une seconde, une seconde où ils se laissaient emporter et déjà Miaka avait le temps de se sauver bien loin. Fort heureusement, Ryoku l'attrapa avant que celle-ci ne se faufile dans la chambre d'inconnus. Ryoku était doux avec Miaka malgré sa bévue, et bien que les deux adultes étaient un peu trop insouciants, Masashi n'était pas très content de sa fille. Il s'agenouilla devant elle une fois que les trois furent entrer dans la chambre.*

Miaka, même quand Papa et Ryo se donnent des bisous, il ne faut pas que tu partes partout comme ça. Ca ne veut pas dire qu'on ne t'aime pas...alors il ne faut pas partir, tu comprends? C'est dangereux.

Miaka: Mais Papa!

Psssch. Pas de mais. La prochaine fois, tu ne vas pas courir partout suivre des inconnus, ne?

Miaka: rrrr moui. Moui Papa. ^^'

*Masashi sourit à sa fille même si celle-ci avait un peu rouspettée. Elle bailla et s'étira un peu puis pointa vers le lit. Masashi acquiesca. Il aida sa petite à se changer pour se mettre en pyjama pour la sieste, le temps qu'eux se préparent. Alors qu'il l'aidait, il parla avec Ryoku en essayant d'être plus sage. A force d'être deux obsédés, ils négligeaient la petite et Masashi s'en voulait un peu. Un peu, mais pas trop non plus. Il était vraiment trop content de ses interactions avec Ryoku pour s'en vouloir davantage.*

Aahhh I'm such a bad father >.> ! I'm way too in touch with my own desires to pay enough attention to this kid. It's not that I didn't want to spend time with her, it's just... I don't think conventions are a good place for that. Really.

That's exactly why I never wanted a couple, a family, children. IT's pretty ironic... how we're so caught up with all these children to take care of, despite how much we ...well.. it'sn ot that we don't love them, but if someone could take care of them... wouldn't it be easier?
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Ryoku Seiken

Ryoku Seiken

Messages : 3057
Date d'inscription : 07/10/2012

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MessageSujet: Re: Retour dans le passé   Retour dans le passé - Page 10 EmptyDim 10 Avr - 19:55

Don't worry about this... Im sure she's very happy about her day. It's normal she'll test your limits. She wants to have your attention. She's quite already her father's daughter ne? ^~ Bon dodo ma belle Miaka d'amour!

* Ryoku aida Masashi à préparer Miaka pour la sieste sur leur lit, qui avait eu un joli room service et changement de drap/couvertures. Par la suite, il le laissa la border et en prendre soin seul pour l'endormir en allant ranger son costume et se rafraîchir dans la salle de bains. Il enleva tout et sauta sous la douche pour un rafraîchissement rapide. Après tout, leurs vêtements étaient couverts de sueur et de preuves de leur amour. Cette fois, il laissa l'eau couler sur lui en chantonnant quelques paroles d'Angel qu'il avait chanté plus tôt. Il avait l'impression que l'eau était encore plus douce que d'habitude, et le moment, plus paisible que jamais. Il aimait tant aller dans ces hotels, faire des folies, des spectacles. Et cette fois c'était encore mieux que jamais, c'était ainsi que ca aurait toujours dû être. Quelle vie incroyable menait-il depuis que Masashi était dans la sienne. Il attendit que Masashi rentre dans la salle de bains, toujours chantonnant, pour cesser ses paroles, et lui parler à travers la vitre de la douche, d'une voix des plus mélodieuses. Jusqu'<a présent, Tamafune ne s'était pas manifestée. *

Ne, Lover. Earlier, I say that the very first time we met, that's when you became my angel. I mean it. I wasn't in love with you yet... But that encounter changed everything for me. But it'd be too ironic to tell you thank you for calling me a gay slut ne? =^^=

I had been so eager to tell you this. I want you to feel it, I want you to know it. I want you to understand how much I love you, and why I really really want to impress you, and be the one and only in your eyes. Why I forgave you.
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Hikaru Masashi

Hikaru Masashi

Messages : 3279
Date d'inscription : 07/10/2012

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MessageSujet: Re: Retour dans le passé   Retour dans le passé - Page 10 EmptyDim 10 Avr - 20:06

*Masashi borda doucement Miaka. Celle-ci s'endormit rapidement car elle était plutôt fatiguée de sa journée jusqu'à présent. Masashi lui fit un petit sourire et commença à retirer les vêtements de son costume. L'idée que Tamafune soit quelque part dans la chambre ne lui avait même pas effleuré l'esprit. Il posa ses différents morceaux de Ludger près du bac à cet effet, ne rangeant à l'intérieur que les morceaux qui n'étaient pas couverts de sueur. Il posa ensuite la chemise, le pantalon et ses boxers dans un sac à part pour les vêtements sales et se rendit à la salle de bain nu, suivant la voix mélodieuse de Ryoku avec un petit sourire. Pendant que celui-ci lui parlait, Masashi enleva la perruque et passa un peu de démaquillant sur son visage.*

It would be pretty ironic indeed... I've always felt so bad about it, I mean, when I think back. I was awful to you... although ... although I still think I would've said the same thing >.> I did walk on you with him in the middle of an empty classroom during summer. Gosh, what were you guys thinking anyway? I really, really don't understand how the angry man that I was, shouting insults at you, how THAT could be an angel.

I was really mean, but the truth is you both deserved it >.< ! And the irony, I think, is that it could easily be you and me, now. I mean did you see us? We're making out everything and anywhere, losing sight of Miaka how many times...? Totally irresponsisble... but this responsibility, we never wanted it, ne? Back then... that first time, I was so mad at you. You were exactly like the others, exactly why I was always so pissed at gays. And now... how different from this am I? Yeah. It's all really ironic indeed!
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Ryoku Seiken

Ryoku Seiken

Messages : 3057
Date d'inscription : 07/10/2012

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MessageSujet: Re: Retour dans le passé   Retour dans le passé - Page 10 EmptyDim 10 Avr - 20:22

Haa ha! You're right.. oh so totally right. But it made me so mad! I was really angry at myself, being treated like this, by an handsome stranger, of everything I had always despised!! What was I becoming? What was I doing really? I couldn't believe my actions! With one glance, a stranger would reduce me so low... I refused to be the person you described me to be. And then that day... that day was the deadline for the performing arts program.

* Ryoku sourit alors que l'eau chaude tomba contre son visage. Il poussa un petit soupir de plaisir, terminant de se savonner, et l'odeur remplissait la pièce, et c'était rafraîchissant. Il y avait une légère fébrilité dans sa voix. Comme s'il révélait un secret, bien que ca n'en était pas tout à fait un. Ils nA'vaient peut-être jamais abordé cet aspect. Et Ryoku qui était tellement heureux actuellement, qu'il se sentait reconnecter avec lui-même, avec sa personne, faire la paix sur le passé, et retrouver la personne qu'il était réellement. *

You ask me why I was there, Im asking why did you arrive right when I needed you?

* Comme les amoureux n'étaient pas subtils, Tamafune était consciente qu'ils étaient entrés, maiis n'Avait pas eu envie de se faire donner une tâchepour garder Miaka, alors ne s,était pas manifestée. Mais de par sa chance, observa l'action et l'interaction entre le père et la fille, car celui-ci n'Avait pas fermé la porte. Elle soupira de plaisir. Ce n'était pas rare qu'elle arrivait à l'attraper nu, et cette fois encore, il y avait quelque chose de tout à fait excitant à le voir ainsi sans qu'il ne le sache. Elle serra ses jambes ensemble, fermant les yeux d'anticipation. Plusieurs plans en tête, elle savait que tôt ou tard, elle allait faire un autre pas dans la bonne direction, et ce avant al fin de cette convention. *
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Hikaru Masashi

Hikaru Masashi

Messages : 3279
Date d'inscription : 07/10/2012

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MessageSujet: Re: Retour dans le passé   Retour dans le passé - Page 10 EmptyDim 10 Avr - 20:33

*Au même moment où Ryoku terminait sa phrase, Masashi entrait dans la douche.*

Oh... wait what?!

*Alors que Masashi s'apprêtait à lui parler du fait que c'était bien qu'il s'en soit servi comme motivation, il assimila l'information comme quoi ceci avait eu lieu avant que Masashi ne lui donne cette chance en or d'entrer dans le programme. Masashi se sentait complètement figé sur place alors que tout commencait à faire du sens dans sa tête.*

I... I see. I understand now... why you see me as your angel. Not only did I tell you straight up to get your life in order, but I was also the reason that your student file was even looked at. Fate...might be stronger that I ever thought it was.

... I... I hadn't even realised. I remember wanting to punch Setsuna and have him expelled... but I didn,t want to personally punish you. I thought insulting you would work much more, I... I'm glad I motivated you to change and to go through with doing something with yourself... but really I ... never realised it was that day. And it's even more ironic, because at the council, I was the one who said we should take a look at your file even if it was last minute.

I really had no clue..I wonder... if I would've said the same thing, had I known it was you.

Ryo... I never really believed in destiny but... geez! It's hard to believe it's only pure luck, ne?^^'''
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Ryoku Seiken

Ryoku Seiken

Messages : 3057
Date d'inscription : 07/10/2012

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MessageSujet: Re: Retour dans le passé   Retour dans le passé - Page 10 EmptyDim 10 Avr - 20:50

* Ryoku se retourna dans la douche, accueillant son amoureux qui arrivait. Même s'il était mouillé et pas lui, il s'approcha de lui et posa ses mains sur sa taille, l'amenant sous l'eau, et posa son front contre son épaule, vers son cou, alors que ses mains glissèrent dans son dos, accolant amoureusement son corps contre le sien. Il ferma les yeux, laissant l'eau les couvrir tous les deux. *

Maybe it's destiny... but for me I think it's the case of an angel.. ne?

... To think you convinced them not to judge my profile based on the late entry. Maybe you felt that one day, we'd be the most promising team together... I don't know... it just felt to me, as though you did exactly what I needed someone to do for me. You woke me up from a nightmare, and opened the door to the world of dreams. How was I supposed not to fall for you?

I think it was the craziest stunt I ever did. I had only had a glimpse of you, but the fire you woke up in me, pushed me to my limit that day. I pulled out applications forms like I was insane. The registrar barely accepted them. I had to bring my portfolio to the stage audition two days after, because it wasn't even ready on the deadline day.. it was just a stunt I had done, like that. Like there had been a break through me... When I got back to my room that night I was overwhelmed. In the program papers there was a picture of you. How ashamed I was when I realised who you truly were, and yet, I just knew we would meet again... only.. maybe not the way we did !

* Ryoku émit un petit son de plaisir, envoyant à son amoureux une vague d'amour si forte qu'il était impossible de manquer l'aura alentours du jeune homme. Il déposa un baiser contre le cou de Masashi, puis le relâcha et s'enfuit de la douche avec un petit rire, et s'enroula dans une serviette toute blanche. *
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Hikaru Masashi

Hikaru Masashi

Messages : 3279
Date d'inscription : 07/10/2012

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MessageSujet: Re: Retour dans le passé   Retour dans le passé - Page 10 EmptyDim 10 Avr - 21:45

*Masashi regarda son amoureux qui se blottissait contre lui alors que les deux échangeaient de place dans cette rapide douche. Cette nouvelle information expliquait beaucoup de choses à Masashi et il écouta attentivement les paroles de son amoureux, cette folle histoire de comment il avait soudainement décidé de s'inscrire sur un coup de tête. Il n'avait pas vraiment voulu s'inscrire pour gagner une bourse, c'était juste arrivé. Tentant de faire du sens de toutes ces informations, Masashi ne commenca à parler qu'une fois Ryoku sortit. de la douche.*

... Did you... I mean... Did you know I was in that program, before you applied? Or did you only see it as you applied? I.. I'm not ... why did you apply? You wanted to prove me you weren't just a "gay slut", that you were smart and talented..? Ah! Well, THAT you sure proved me ^-^!!! Aaah gosh, Ryo, this makes so much more sense now. Yes, yes I understand your point of view.

Yeah, yeah it does make sense. It does sound like I kinda saved you. ... it's ironic though. I mean I saved you, and then I plunged you into hell. I gues... maybe that's why you forgave me? I had already saved you, so I had a ticket to destroy you back? Ugh. That sounds horrible. I really don't want to think about all this bad stuff. I really just want to focus on us, on this happy day. And... surely not on this awful back pain T_T

*Se lavant rapidement, Masashi secoua légèrement la tête alors qu'il se disait qu'il devait cesser de penser aux mauvais aspects de cette histoire entre eux. Il fit un petit sourire alors qu'il frottait justement son dos.*

Ne, Ryo? ...that still doesn't explain what you were doing on University grounds in the first place.
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Ryoku Seiken

Ryoku Seiken

Messages : 3057
Date d'inscription : 07/10/2012

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MessageSujet: Re: Retour dans le passé   Retour dans le passé - Page 10 EmptyDim 10 Avr - 22:05

* Alors qu'il ébouriffait ses cheveux avec la serviette, et qu'il s'y donnait à fond devant le miroir, Ryoku eut un petit rire lorsque Masashi lui dit qu'il lui avait réellement prouvé qu'il n'Était pas un "gay slut". Ryoku sourit à llui-même dans le miroir, tracant un petit rond dans la buée. Ensuite il enfila un boxer blanc et turquoise justement acheté dans l'idée de cosplayer Asbel. Il entreprit de se préaprer ensuite, et fit un petit grin à lui-même en entendant Masashi qui continuait de le questionner. Il était tellement content d'avoir attiré son intérêt, et de pouvoir finalmenet lui partager un peu de ce secret. En vérité... maintenant Masashi était capable de voir la vvérité. Ryoku était prêt à détruire le mystère alentours de lui-même, par pure excitation de partager quelque chose d'aussi spécial avec lui. *

Ha no.. I had no clue who you were at all except Setsuna's relative until i saw that flyer of yours in the program description. "The Performing Arts faculty welcomes Midori-Award winner professor Hikaru Masashi". You were so handsome on that picture... I was quite impressed =^^=

Miyuki and Nishiko revealed to you that I hadn't been good at all before I transferred right..? Thus it shouldn't be a problem that I tell you the truth... I hope.. you won't judge me too harshly, Masa. In the end, I truly am reckless.

But to answer your question... I never had the money to go to university in the first place. I had transferred to Sakuraba in february to finish my school year. With my social worker, I was supposed to enter a certificate program, which was a government founded thingy, where they pay your studies and then you pay a certain amount of money back for a few years after you get a job. It would've been a sort of administration program. My social worker had been pressuring me hard to register, because I had nowhere to go to except regular work, if I didn't apply. But even if I knew it was the right thing to do, I just couldn't bring myself to do it... so I kinda held until the very last day.
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Hikaru Masashi

Hikaru Masashi

Messages : 3279
Date d'inscription : 07/10/2012

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MessageSujet: Re: Retour dans le passé   Retour dans le passé - Page 10 EmptyDim 10 Avr - 22:36

*Pendant que Masashi terminait de se laver, il entendit Ryoku lui parler de comment il ne le connaissait pas avant de lire la description du programme. Masashi ferma l'eau avec un petit sourire arrogant. Il sortit de la douche avec son petit air coquin et au même moment, RYoku poursuivait. *

I see... With what you just said earlier, I figured you weren't planning on going to University at all. I think it makes sense. I mean, wouldn't expect farmer boy newly in town to be there to plunge into higher education right away. There must have been something else. Were you really here for just a certificate, though? I mean... I'm pretty sure you could've gotten a degree elsewhere, somewhere less... expansive.

Social worker... a plan for your future, to earn more than a "low-class job", so you could pay for them, right? Because any "low-class job" would've allowed you to live okay and freely for yourself. And yet, that too, you hadn't applied yet, ne? You were living a pretty risky life, but that goes well with you. It fits perfectly with the Ryoku I met.

Hm. Of course you wouldn't want to apply there. When would someone as crazy and colorful as you apply for something so boring as a certificate? In administration, at that. Nothing more boring, really. I never would've done it either, if I had been you!

*Après être sorti, Masashi avait aussi pris une serviette. Il l'entoura autour de sa taille et commença à sécher ses cheveux quelques coups pendant qu'il réfléchissait. Puis, alors qu'il poursuivait son chemin de pensées en parlant davantage à Ryoku, il débuta son maquillage. Il s'attendait bien sur à ce que Ryoku poursuive cette histoire. C'était fort intéressant d'entendre ce qui s'était produit avant, juste avant, leurs tout début. Avant leur rencontre, avant.... ce moment quasi inexistant tellement leur existence faisait du sens maintenant qu'ils étiaent ensemble.*
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Ryoku Seiken

Ryoku Seiken

Messages : 3057
Date d'inscription : 07/10/2012

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MessageSujet: Re: Retour dans le passé   Retour dans le passé - Page 10 EmptyDim 10 Avr - 22:51

* Ryoku rougit légèrement, se tournant vers Masashi après qu'il aie quitté son embrassade, son contact, chaud et humide, nu après la douche. Il sourit avec sérénité et excitation tout à la fois. Il entreprit de continuer son maquillage aussi, mais était distrait. Au moins ce n'était pas aussi long que pour une fille, quoique ces deux-là, faisaient compétition à la plupart des femmes. Ryoku garda sa rougeur aux joues, et la lueur dans ses yeux, alors qu'il regarda son amoureux de par le miroir. *

It was "the plan". A "perfect quiet life". A program of a thousand bores. I couldn't get myself to fill in the papers, but I had to do something. My sisters were placed with my aunt and they hated it over there. Heizo was in desintox... I was all alone, I had to do what was right. I had even planned on becoming straight and getting married and everything, to offer a life of stability for the girls. The SW was really pushing hard in that direction, I knew it was the right thing to do.

But you know I really ain't this kind of person. It was crushing every dream I ever had. The very person I was...

At Sakuraba I had met Setsuna, and he sorta convinced me that I was gay and shouldn't deny my preferences. I guess it played a part in me holding the forms until the last day. And when I walked to the campus to register... I was really going against my will. I asked mom and dad to give me a sign. I know it sounds stupid... but then I saw Setsuna running into our building. The arts one. So I followed him. He was looking for you actually! But when I got in, I felt deeply drawn to our world, the arts. My heart was pounding, my feels, racing. I guess I got on a high like you saw me earlier... so when I saw that empty classroom.. which happened to be yours, right? I couldn't help myself getting on the stage and twirling in my dreams of being there, of doing everything I loved the most. I pulled out lines, or sang, or danced.. anything, like an overwhelmed child. Setsuna found me. And then you found us.
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Hikaru Masashi

Hikaru Masashi

Messages : 3279
Date d'inscription : 07/10/2012

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MessageSujet: Re: Retour dans le passé   Retour dans le passé - Page 10 EmptyDim 10 Avr - 23:03

Mmmm I see... I see yes. It really does make sense, all of it.

*Masashi s'arrêta après avoir terminé son fond de teint et ses yeux, après avoir tout écouté ce que Ryoku lui disait avec beaucoup d'intérêt. C'était vraimetn intéressant de tout savoir, et il s'adossa contre le comptoir pour regarer son amoureux, un peu de côté. Il fit un sourire charmé.*

I really can't blame Setsuna for falling for you. I guess... I should thnak him. Thanks to him, I found you. Thanks to him, I put you back on the right track, and then everything started for us. ... Ah man, I can't believe I'd have to thank him for being such an obvious gay slut >.> But hey... he did help in guiding you too, ne?

Really, way too ironic. The arts building? MY classroom, even? I had kinda forgotten. I guess... your face was what stayed in my memory. I ... I remember wanting to watch that cute face of yours giving me such a treatment. Aaahh just like you did, earlier. There's just something about that face when you do it... it drives me completely insane!

*Rougissant un peu de sa propre pensée, Masashi fit un eptit sourire et alla chercher leur bac dans la chambre afin qu'ils puissent s'habiller dans la salle de bain sans trop faire de bruit pour ne pas réveiller la petite. Une fois de retour, il commença à enfiler son pantalon et garda son petit sourire.*

You know, I'm really glad he insisted, and that you followed him..and everything else. This life... this boring life... it isn't for you at all. And please... you, straight? You would've lived this encaged life, for your siblings? Pfft. What a life. You would've been dead inside. You're one who burns with passion, explodes in dreams and shines on a stage. You were made for something big, Ryo! Gosh, that's what I told you at that picnic, wasn't it? I still haven't changed my mind about this, just so you know.
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Ryoku Seiken

Ryoku Seiken

Messages : 3057
Date d'inscription : 07/10/2012

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MessageSujet: Re: Retour dans le passé   Retour dans le passé - Page 10 EmptyDim 10 Avr - 23:18

* Avec un plaisir évident, Ryoku regarda Masashi marcher chercher le bac. Lorsque celui-ci revint et lui dit d'aussi belles paroles, il en fut vraiment touché. Sa timidité parut et eut beaucoup de difficulté à retenir ses sourires, et à ne pas sauter sur Masashi. D'ailleurs lorsqu'il enfila son pantalon, il l'entoura et attendit qu'il soit prêt pour lui voler un baiser et croisa son regard avec des yeux brillants. Ses mains cherchèrent avidement toute la peau nue de son amoureux. *

..Arigato, Masa... for your sweet words. They mean the world to me. Today, just as much as they did back then. Im happy it's what you think of me.. even still today. Im probably the most reckless fool that exists... yet if it hadn't been for you, and for Setsuna too I guess.. I really wouldn't be here. I wouldn't be much of a shadow of myself.

* Ryoku caressa la joue de Masashi et lui fit son sourire le plus sincère et le plus séduit du monde avant d'aller chercher lui aussi son costume et enfila sa chemise turquoise. Sa bonne humeur transparaissait dans chaucn de ses gestes. *

You did tell me a hell-lot of things at that picnic. I had already been accepted, and I had had my scholarship a few weeks earlier. I think I was ready for anything! It was the craziest adventure, and then the main character entered the stage, when I least expected it... oh I remember it like it was yesterday, Masa! Why you, gorgeous thing, your light buffalo jeans, your favorite perfume, your royal blue shirt... I was about to cry yes to all of your requests just after one look at you ~ Aaah.. I still feel the thrill in my chest !
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Hikaru Masashi

Hikaru Masashi

Messages : 3279
Date d'inscription : 07/10/2012

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MessageSujet: Re: Retour dans le passé   Retour dans le passé - Page 10 EmptyMar 12 Avr - 19:52

*Alors que Masashi écoutait les tendres paroles de son amoureux, rougissant un peu de voir comment celui-ci s'en souvenait aussi bien et de ce qu'il se rappelait de ce moment, les yeux de Masashi s'étaient donc adonnés un peu plus bas. Il fit un petit sourire en coin.*

Aahhh Ryo, if you knew how I wasn't expecting this meeting and how I really wanted it to go well... hey, you sexy sneaky, you have matching boxers with your Asbel, ne? ^~

*Pendant que Ryoku mettait sa chemise, Masashi avait remarqué les boxers et lui offrit un petit air séduit. Ils avainet toujours aimé faire ce genre de choses là et c'était toujours un défi de le faire sans que l'autre le sache pour garder la surprise. Masashi sourit tendrement et secoua la tête, visiblement il avait été distrait dans ses pensées par la vue intéressante du corps de son amoureux. Il entreprit alors de s'habiller davantage.*

I had seen you from afar, before I walked up to you. I watched you a few minutes before I decided to walk up to you. You, the scholarship student. I needed to remind you that I was the best, and that you'd always be just a student under me. But then, you little sneaky, I had to force you into my troop. You do know that you were the first one to ever resist me?

I had prepared myself, watching you from afar. I had to be perfect before getting to you. Even if I was perfect, and you still remember, I was taken aback by your way of singing and being so smooth about your talents. How could someone so talented just sit there like nothing was going on? The guy just won that awesome scholarship and he was still just enjoying life outside, on a picnic. Not a care in the world, I thought.
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Ryoku Seiken

Ryoku Seiken

Messages : 3057
Date d'inscription : 07/10/2012

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MessageSujet: Re: Retour dans le passé   Retour dans le passé - Page 10 EmptyMar 12 Avr - 20:13

Oh, was I? Hehe, it's true, you did look quite surprised when I said no! =^^= But you wanted no one to resist you forever, you even bribed me with money... Well at the end of the day, after having you confess to me all sorts of things, I still said yes, ne?

For such a long time, I had wondered whether you had arranged yourself to be so handsome, and thought about that encounter, or if it was an accident, a coincidence, that we were both there, on campus, on a non-school day, under the warm sunlight. Now I know you were just naturally that handsome... and that you wanted to prove yourself to me... because of the scholarship. I always thought this was the true reason and I was right. It's so typical of you to wonder about the one who got it. And that scholarship.. to think I would've never had it if it wasn't from you! I was just so freaking proud of it! I still am!

* Ryoku avait offert justement son regard le plus sneaky et séducteur a son copain lorsqu'il remarqua le beau boxer assorti. Il aimait beaucoup les vêtements, alors c'était le genre de petites choses qui lui faisait un grand plaisir. Il ne pensait pas nécessairement que Masashi le remarquerait, mais comme toujours, c'Était un plaisir de tenter d'avoir son attention. Il le regarda enfiler davantage de son costume alors que lui-même cacha ses boxers avec son pantalon blanc. *

You were so sexy and so mysterious... If it hadn't been from feeling so light and proud from the scholarship, I guess I would've been swept away even easier... But then you did confess so many unexpected dirty things ne? You even told me you'd never go for an uke, you know... Ha to think you had the impression of me as a whore, yet you told me all about being uke yourself!
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Hikaru Masashi

Hikaru Masashi

Messages : 3279
Date d'inscription : 07/10/2012

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MessageSujet: Re: Retour dans le passé   Retour dans le passé - Page 10 EmptyMar 12 Avr - 20:24

H-hey ! >.< !

*Masashi poka Ryoku à quelques reprises, cachant sa gêne et se rappelant exactement pourquoi il ne voulait pas reparler de cette journée avec le picnic. Il fit même un petit son de reproche et se secoua un peu, continuant de s'habiller plus loin, mimant qu'il boudait alors que clairement, il réfléchissait avant de poursuivre la discussion.*

You took me by surprise with your refusal. So much! Me, the talented student and now proclaimed teacher, I had to make my proofs here. And you just up and refused me. Even if all my acting couldn't protect me from acting like an idiot in front of you, somewhow, it still worked. Geez I even had to bribe you! How low could one get >.>

... That day, I had settled myself that I would meet up with that very talented boy who got the scholarship. He was older than many of hte applicants. He was excelling in singing, dancing and had a very good reputation at drama too. He was said to be the most passionnate and naturally good at arts. There was a part about who he was and his family, but I wanted nothing of it. Those things, you want to learn from the actual person, if and when they're ready to tell you. My only goal, that day, was to meet him. And really, I hadn't expected he would be having a picnic outside, chilling with his sisters. I guess I expected him to be partying, to be extravagant, to be full of himself. He was... nothing like that. Smooth, sexy, happy. I lost all my lines, like a total amateur, in front of newbie scholarship boy. At the very least, I had to get this guy in my troop. I had to. He was way too talented to get away... and I really wanted to learn more about him. I wanted to know what was his drive. I wanted to shine with him.
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Ryoku Seiken

Ryoku Seiken

Messages : 3057
Date d'inscription : 07/10/2012

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MessageSujet: Re: Retour dans le passé   Retour dans le passé - Page 10 EmptyMar 12 Avr - 20:39

Aawwwh.. really??! =^^=

* Arrêtant d'enfiler son cosplay, Ryoku figea un moment. Il ne s'attendait pas à entendre des mots aussi mignons et éloquents, bien que indirects. Il rougit de plaisir et devint vraiment très visiblement charmé par ceci, cherchant ses mots et prenant appui sur le comptoir, levant des yeux timides et brillants sur son bel amoureux. Il émit un petit son joyeux. *

I hadn't been that happy for a really long time! It was one crazy opportunity. It was the proof I hadn't lost myself completly just yet. The truth was that I actually wished to be partying... I remember thinking so many things when you questionned me... You already had a solid playboy reputation, and you were acting like one. I remember wishing to meet you in another setting, so you wouldn't see me as pale, simple, and totally worthless of that scholarship. How could someone so translucid next to your colors, even wish to make his place, to stand out with potential? I really wanted to correct your first impression of me, I wanted you to see I had what it takes...

Did you really lose all your lines? You entrapted my mind with such talent I was but foolish to hope to stand up to you... Your perfect image, with a small breech of your fragility, offered for me to see, to be seduced, to want more, to get swept away.
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Hikaru Masashi

Hikaru Masashi

Messages : 3279
Date d'inscription : 07/10/2012

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MessageSujet: Re: Retour dans le passé   Retour dans le passé - Page 10 EmptyMar 12 Avr - 20:55

*C'était quand même étrange que les deux parlent de cette journée avec des points de vue similaires et pourtant si différent. Les dexu avaient charmés l'un et l'autre, mais les deux auraient voulu donner une meilleure impression. Masashi regarda son amoureux qui avait l'air charmé, s'étant arrêté de s'habiller pour le regarder. De son côté, il continuait de se vêtir en écoutant les souvenirs et émotions de Ryoku, un petit sourire visiblement sur ses lèvres.*

I had to let you know that I was totally invicible... in the most awkward ways possible ^^' And seriously, Ryo, had you been worthless of that scholarship, you wouldn't have gotten it.

Who cares about dates? What I care about, is if this applicant is worth it. The last two I checked were nothing solid. I'm not giving this scholarship to some mumbo-jumbo who's just in for some cash. ... I remember the comity being offended by my ways, but agreeing anyway. They knew I was right. And boy was I right! We even gave him the scholarship!

You know, it's kinda ironic actually. I had no clue you were so low, when I saw you, both of those times. To me, it looked like you were fully alive and in total control. I guess your acting was already up to my standards, ne? ^^' I'm glad. I'm glad I insisted. I'm glad I made a fool of myself. And I'm really glad I bribed you. It was the best thing I ever did with all my money.

*Ce coup-ci, ce fut Masashi qui s'arrêta et offrit un sourire rempli de milles émotions à Ryoku. Il était heureux, il était fier, il n'avait pas de regrets. Il avait beau avoir eu l'air d'un idiot et d'un fou, il avait aussi réussi à charmer Ryoku et à l'inclure dans sa vie, et vice-versa.*
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Ryoku Seiken

Ryoku Seiken

Messages : 3057
Date d'inscription : 07/10/2012

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MessageSujet: Re: Retour dans le passé   Retour dans le passé - Page 10 EmptyMar 12 Avr - 21:17

Masa... arigato.. Arigato! For everything! From the very beginning!!!

* Clairement, être en chemise et pantalons à peine attachés, ne dérangerait pas assez Ryoku pour ne pas sauter sur son amoureux et l'entourer vivement de ses bras, cachant son visage contre son cou et le serrant avant tant d'Émotions et de bonheur. Il était vraiment touché de la facon dont il avait cru en lui au départ. Avant aujourd'hui, il ne savait rien de tout ceci. Avant, il se croyait simplement avoir été le plus chanceux du monde, et se croyant chanceux d'avoir su par un moyen qu'il ignorait, attirer Masashi à lui. Et celui-ci avait changé son monde completement, depuis son entrée, et jusqu'<a présent. Il avait poussé si loin si fort à cause de lui... Il avait tout donné, grâce à lui. Il était si heureux et si reconnaissant que ses yeux brillèrent de larmes. Il crut que son coeur exploserait, par l'incapacité à transmettre au blond tout ce qu'il ressentait. Il le serra possessivement, amoureusement, caressant sa peau, respirant son odeur adorée. Il ferma les yeux de bonheur. *

I was alive thanks to you, Masa! You woke me up that deadline day, and from that moment, fire had been burning inside me, ready to take on anything. Thank you Masa, for believing in my passion, in my love of the arts, in what I can do... You see, you know now... You really were my angel, appearing when I needed you!

Prooving you that I was alive and with a dream, was what drove me to enter in the performing arts program. But after that encounter with you, after that one day, I got carried away. I wasn't just about my dream... There was this talented, awesomely mysterious professor, so young yet showered with prizes, that everyone wa talking about, and I felt compelled to show him what I was made of. Oh did I want to impress him, have his gorgeous glaze on me...
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Hikaru Masashi

Hikaru Masashi

Messages : 3279
Date d'inscription : 07/10/2012

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MessageSujet: Re: Retour dans le passé   Retour dans le passé - Page 10 EmptyMar 12 Avr - 21:28

*Masashi savait bien que ce discours serait plaisant à entendre pour Ryoku, surtout vu son état en basse confiance présentement, mais il ne s'était pas attendu à le recevoir ainsi avec autant d'amour et de possessivité. Masashi avait l'impression de le ressentir l'entourer comme lorsqu'ils partageaient leur intimité et il se sentit privilégié. Il sourit avec une dose d'amour inimaginable et entoura son amoureux avec tendresse. Pour lui aussi, entendre tout ceci était assez émotif.*


Although I do understand why you make this comparison, I'm really no angel. Please Ryo, stop being so blind... but...okay. I'll accept it.So long as you understand that your own place is just as valuable as mine. We are together. We shine together. We are one, Ryo. And together, together we can take on anything.

I'm staying. I'm staying with you Ryo... this burning passion... you know, it had died out in me too, before I met you. Well... before I read your file, I have to admit. I think we're both each other's flame, ne? That's why we make such a bonfire together ^^' Thank you, Ryo, for making the best of me come out ^~

*Laissant un bras entouré possessivement la taille de Ryoku, Masashi déposa ses lèvres dans l'encollure de son amoureux. Ce n'était pas un baiser brûlant comme ceux échangés plus tôt, mais un qui marquait à la fois son amour et sa possessivité. Ryoku était définitivement sa moitié Parfois, ils se ressemblaient trop. Parfois ils se compétitionnaient. Mais au final, ils étaient faits l'un pour l'autre et s'aimaient et s,attiraient comme des aimants.*
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Ryoku Seiken

Ryoku Seiken

Messages : 3057
Date d'inscription : 07/10/2012

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MessageSujet: Re: Retour dans le passé   Retour dans le passé - Page 10 EmptyMar 12 Avr - 21:49

* Il n'y avait rien au monde qui rendait Ryoku plus heureux que de sentir son amoureux avoir exactement la même vague d'amour en lui, et le ressentir lui transmettre autant de sentiments en un baiser ainsi. Ryoku eut un petit son de plaisir, et ferma les yeux, profitant du frisson comme d'un délice des plus exquis. *

Aww Masa =^^= ! My lovely flame! You know, you did tell me something like that.. on our first date. You said that meeting me had given you back the drive to reach higher, to believe in going further. You told me in that chairlift, when we got down the mountain... you remember? You had aimed right for my heart.

What did I do to deserve you? to earn you this way? And back then, I couldn't stop thinking how perfect of a match we could be... and see now Masa, what we've become..? Now that you're fully mine too, maybe we have everything we needed to strive, and do what we truly wish to do, and climb atops together. Masa I am your one and only partner, you dearest and most feverish admirer, please. Stay by my side, always.

* Ryoku se tourna pour caresser le visage de son amoureux d'une main, fourrageant ses cheveux de l'autre. Il émit un petit son. *

Ne Masa, you.. you really liked me, that first day? picnic day? You didn't regret? I mean... like.. the days after, the beginning of shcooldays, before we met again with the troup..?
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Hikaru Masashi

Hikaru Masashi

Messages : 3279
Date d'inscription : 07/10/2012

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MessageSujet: Re: Retour dans le passé   Retour dans le passé - Page 10 EmptyMar 12 Avr - 22:09

Ryo, I never regretted once.

The only thing I regret, I think you know full well when that is. Why this stupid desire to take drugs . Of course I would get turned on, seeing you on the stage, hearing that voice that drives me completely crazy... but I couldn't have you, you were on stage! Ah seriously, this is so stupid. I ... I had agreed with myself that I wouldn't think back on it, because it won't do anything...

*Masashi n'avait absolument pas hésisté dans sa réponse. Il était vraiment sans regret face à ses actions , bonnes commes mauvaises, car elles lui avaient toutes permises de s'approcher de Ryoku et d'avoir maintenant cette relation ensemble. Il acquiesca contre son amoureux.*

I remember I told you this. I wanted yo to know. I thought maybe you'd understand how I felt, even if I didn't understand it myself. It felt ...unfamiliar. I mean, I didn't undertsand why I was so drawn to you. From the first day, there was something about you. Even that first encounter, with Setsuna. I couldn't get myself to report you two, because I couldn't get your face out of my mind. I didn't want to hurt you because Setsuna was stupid. And you know... I bribed you to get to be with you. I think that it was pretty obvious that I liked you, no?

It's a bit shameful, when I stop to think about it. I paid to get a date with you. I really wanted to spend time with you... and that felt like the most clever idea at the time ^^' I practically forced you!
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Ryoku Seiken

Ryoku Seiken

Messages : 3057
Date d'inscription : 07/10/2012

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MessageSujet: Re: Retour dans le passé   Retour dans le passé - Page 10 EmptyMar 12 Avr - 22:28

The intoxicating feeling of being by your side, oh you, so powerfully handsome, a pretty representation of everything I ever loved, tainted with such contradictory values... I couldn't get enough of you, everything you would say or do, your next move, your presence. Even when I admired you from afar, standing out in the crowd, as if they were all nobodies and there you were, the rainbow beneath them all. Oh Masa, Im crazy about you from the very beginning and im getting even crazier every instant!

* Pour toute réponse, RYoku attira Masashi dans un baiser passionné et amoureux, ramenant ses deux mains dans sa chevelure, poussant un soupir de plaisir, et l'embrassa longuement avant de se détacher de lui et de lui offrir un sourire des plus heureux. Par la suite, il entreprit de terminer de mettre son cosplau, dont sa perruque et sourit dans le mirroir. Il ne lui manquait plus que son jacket. Il se tourna vers Masashi dans ce demi-Asbel, posant pour lui, un main sur sa hanche. *

To think you really had your eye on me from the start... makes me feel all so lucky and special =^^= ! Aaah for so long I wasn't sure if you were flirting me or just being super sexily perfect all the time! I still can't believe you chose me ! I mean... not only did you ask me to be in your troop, but you even took my condition to "date" me every friday!

Aaahh no it wasn't that obvious Masa.. you kept telling me all sorts of things... Not only were you my sensei, but also you clearly told me I was but of the worst type to attract you, a uke for that matter, and you kept talking to me about women... I just.. kept wishing to be special for you. I thought to myself, if I strived to get better and better, if I practiced hard enough, if I perfected my moves, my notes, my lines, then maybe I'd rise to be worthy enough of you... That the game you were playing with the oh so foolish boy I was, would turn against you, and that you would never stop playing.
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